Programming Technologies in Internet




Course and Applications (Lab) : lecture notes and resourse

Homework:   Projects list:

Week 9 -  test I - 40 minutes (40 points)
general issues regarding web technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python and PHP.

Week 13 - test II - 20 minutes (20 points) - Java programming and JSP pages.

Starting with week 12 - homework presentation (at the course or at the laboratory)

RESULTS   Results (Lab and Exam)

contact: ioana_d70 at

Terms on project evaluation:
The project should be send by e-mail.
Contents: practical application and essay (max 20 points) . (Essay will include bibliography, description of used technologies ,  etc.).
Will be presented from week 11 - course or  lab  (10 minutes max).
If the project is only transmitted through e-mail and is not accompanied with an oral presentation - max score is 12 points (out of 20).