AutoVoice- Database:  A database with vocal commands in noisy environment  (inside an automobile) made by Mihai Bucurica as part of his doctoral studies.  More details here (including a paper [1] reporting research using this database, please the cite this paper if you find it useful for your research).

[1] M. Bucurica, I. Dogaru and R. Dogaru, "Novel Applications of Complexity Inspired RDT Transform for Low Complexity Embedded Speech Recognition in Automotive Environments," 2017 21st International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), Bucharest, 2017, pp. 375-378. doi: 10.1109/CSCS.2017.58;

Copyright - Bucurica Mihai @ NATURAL COMPUTING LABORATORY, 2018

The database contains 191 utterances divided into 9 vocal commands recorded at a 44 kHz
sampling rate in a real-life environment.

The list of commands and their associated labels :
Romanian vocal command English translation Utterances
avarii hazard lights 21
claxon horn 22
frana brake 20
inainte forward 22
inapoi back 17
lumini lights 22
radio radio 21
start start 22
stop stop 24

The database can be downloaded in .wav format Sounds.wav or .mat format Sounds.mat